“Respecting IP Rights in the Midst of the Pandemic to Protect MSMEs” Poster Contest by the ASEAN Network of Intellectual Property Enforcement Experts (ANIEE)
The ASEAN Network of Intellectual Property Enforcement Experts (ANIEE) recently conducted a digital poster-making contest to raise awareness of IP enforcement, with the theme of the contest centered around “Respecting IP Rights in the Midst of the Pandemic to Protect MSMEs”.
10 November 2022

The ASEAN Network of Intellectual Property Enforcement Experts (ANIEE) recently conducted a digital poster-making contest to raise awareness of IP enforcement, with the theme of the contest centered around “Respecting IP Rights in the Midst of the Pandemic to Protect MSMEs”. The contest is part of the implementation of one of the deliverables under the current ASEAN IPR Action Plan; “to raise the public awareness on IPR protection and enforcement.”
This regional-wide competition was open to entries from all ten ASEAN countries and the ANIEE is pleased to present the 1st – 3rd place winners of the poster contest as below, with winning entries from Thailand, Philippines, and Viet Nam respectively. The winners are awarded a cash prize of USD 500, 300, and 200 respectively, which were sponsored by ASEAN’s partner, the International Trademark Association (INTA). The first place also received complementary registration to the INTA 2023 Annual Meeting in Singapore.
1st Place Winner:
Thailand (Piyachat Panoi)

2nd Place Winner:
Philippines (Santiago P. Balase)

3rd Place Winner:
Viet Nam (Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà)