The 11th Trademark Task Force Meeting was held on 23 June 2021 via Video Conference. The Meeting was chaired by Mr Azahar Bin Abdul Razab, Senior Director of Trademark and Geographical Indication Division, Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO). The Meeting was attended by all ASEAN Member States as well as officials from the ASEAN Secretariat.
The Meeting continued discussion on reducing the turnaround time to process trademark applications, methodology of calculating backlog, frequency of updates to the ASEAN TMClass and ASEAN TMView as well as on proposed topics for the ASEAN Common Guidelines on Substantive Trademark Examination.
The Meeting also had participation by the ASEAN IP Association (AIPA) and the ARISE+IPR project management team to present the progress updates on the Pan ASEAN Trademark Application System (PATMA) and on the key outcomes of the Feasibility Study on the Establishment of an ASEAN Trademark Registration System respectively. The Meeting noted the similarities and overlaps between the two proposals and considered the merits and benefits of each proposed system.